diplomska naloga
Lenart Capuder (Author), Jana Šelih (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Boštjan Brank (Thesis defence commission member), Marjana Šijanec-Zavrl (Co-mentor)


Analiza življenskega cikla enostanovanjske zgradbe s poudarkom na fazi proizvodnje gradbenih materialov


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;analiza življenskega cikla;okolje;gradbeni material;okoljska deklaracija proizvodov;okoljski kazalnik;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [L. Capuder]
UDC: 347.235:022.2(043.2)
COBISS: 5751649 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2616
Downloads: 555
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Residential building life cycle assesment focused to construction materials produstion
Secondary abstract: The aspect of sustainability is one of the key elements of development today, and therefore, the criteria for the sustainability assessement for buildings and engineering structures have to be developed. Life cycle assessment, LCA, is suitable for these criteria development. In order to ensure successful implementation of the criteria in practice, they should be simple. The aim of this thesis is consequently to find practical tools for environmental impact assessment that are based on LCA. A selected building will be analysed by using these tools, and environmental impact profile of the in-built construction materials and products will be determined. First, the thesis describes the LCA method, in general terms as well as in relation with construction. Environmental product declarations (EPSs) and the environmental profile database Ökobau.dat (developed specifically for construction materials) are presented. The core part is the LCA analysis of materials and products built in the selected building (Riko ModEko). The reference wooden frame structural wall system building (Riko ModEko) is compared to the building with the same conceptual design and glued wooden massive walls, and to the concrete masonry-filled frame building. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that some of the employed environmental indicators are still in the developmental stage and their credibility has to be further confirmed. Further, the materials built in the concrete masonry-filled frame building have a poorer performance in three categories employed, when compared to the Riko ModEko buildings.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;life cycle assesment;environment;building material;environmental product declarations;environmental indicator;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 94 str., 28 str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Residental building life cycle assesment focused to constuction materials production
Keywords (ePrints): analiza življenjskega cikla;okolje;gradbeni material;okoljska deklaracija proizvodov;okoljski kazalnik
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): life cycle assesment;environment;building material;environmental product declarations;environmental indicator
Abstract (ePrints): V današnjem času, ko je trajnostni vidik eden ključnih elementov razvoja moramo tudi na področju gradenj razviti kriterije za določevanje okoljske sprejemljivosti stavb in inženirskih objektov. Metoda analize življenjskega cikla (LCA) je zelo primerna za razvoj takšnih kriterijev. Za uspešno uporabo v praksi bi morali biti kriteriji tudi dovolj preprosti, zato je namen te diplomske poiskati praktična orodja za vrednotenje vplivov na okolje, ki temeljijo na metodi LCA. S temi orodji želimo nato analizirati izbrano stavbo oziroma predstaviti okoljski vpliv gradbenih materialov in proizvodov, ki so v stavbo vgrajeni. V diplomskem delu najprej predstavljamo metodo LCA, tako v splošnem smislu kot v povezavi z gradbeništvom. Med drugim predstavljamo tudi okoljske deklaracije proizvodov (EPD) in bazo okoljskih profilov za gradbene materiale Ökobau.dat. Jedro diplomske naloge predstavlja analiza življenjskega cikla gradbenih materialov in proizvodov, ki so vgrajeni v stavbo Riko ModEko. Za boljšo interpretacijo rezultatov smo osnovno varianto, Riko ModEko z lesenim okvirnim nosilnim sistemom sten, primerjali še s stavbo Riko ModEko, ki ima lepljene lesene masivne stene in zidano-betonsko stavbo. Glavne ugotovitve analize so, da so nekateri okoljski kazalniki še v razvoju, zato je njihova kredibilnost vprašljiva in da se materiali, ki so vgrajeni v zidano-betonsko stavbo v treh primerjanih kategorijah odrežejo precej slabše od materialov, ki so vgrajeni v obeh variantah Riko ModEko.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The aspect of sustainability is one of the key elements of development today, and therefore, the criteria for the sustainability assessement for buildings and engineering structures have to be developed. Life cycle assessment, LCA, is suitable for these criteria development. In order to ensure successful implementation of the criteria in practice, they should be simple. The aim of this thesis is consequently to find practical tools for environmental impact assessment that are based on LCA. A selected building will be analysed by using these tools, and environmental impact profile of the in-built construction materials and products will be determined. First, the thesis describes the LCA method, in general terms as well as in relation with construction. Environmental product declarations (EPSs) and the environmental profile database Ökobau.dat (developed specifically for construction materials) are presented. The core part is the LCA analysis of materials and products built in the selected building (Riko ModEko). The reference wooden frame structural wall system building (Riko ModEko) is compared to the building with the same conceptual design and glued wooden massive walls, and to the concrete masonry-filled frame building. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that some of the employed environmental indicators are still in the developmental stage and their credibility has to be further confirmed. Further, the materials built in the concrete masonry-filled frame building have a poorer performance in three categories employed, when compared to the Riko ModEko buildings.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): life cycle assesment;environment;building material;environmental product declarations;environmental indicator
ID: 8311980