diplomsko delo
Ivan Kramer (Author), Matjaž Iršič (Mentor)


Zadovoljen odjemalec je pravi smerokaz uspeha jutrišnjega dne, saj bo s ponovnimi nakupi omogočal uspešnost prihodnjega poslovanja podjetja. Zelo pomembno je dejstvo, da bo takšen odjemalec tudi odličen promotor in pospeševalec prodaje izdelkov. Odjemalec, ki čuti visoko stopnjo zadovoljstva, je tudi zavedaje ali nezavedaje zvest. Ob poznavanju trga, ki je preplavljen z močno konkurenco, je odjemalec v situaciji, ko je lahko občutljiv na posamezne negativne nihaje, ki bi jih podjetje napravilo v enem od segmentov, ki mu največ pomenijo. Odjemalec ima natančen vpogled v cene primerljivih izdelkov pri konkurenčnih blagovnih znamkah. Vinska klet »Goriška Brda« v svojem asortimanu ponuja več vrhunskih blagovnih znamk, največje prodajne rezultate pa dosega z blagovno znamko Quercus, ki je predmet proučevanja diplomske naloge. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da so anketiranci najbolj zadovoljni s širino in kakovostjo asortimana blagovne znamke Quercus. Pri anketiranih je bilo največje zadovoljstvo zaznati s sorto Muškat – Verduc. Med razlogi za nakup vin ostalih blagovnih znamk se najpogosteje pojavljata vpliv prijateljev in cene. V primeru nezadovoljstva z izbranim vinom, anketiranci tega vina ne bi več kupovali in bi o tem seznanili tudi svoje prijatelje.


zadovoljstvo odjemalcev;zvestoba;blagovne znamke;vinska klet;vinske znamke;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [I. Kramer]
UDC: 658.89:659.126(043.2)
COBISS: 12421148 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1197
Downloads: 70
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Consumer satisfaction with trademark Quercus
Secondary abstract: A satisfied consumer is the real indicator of company’s future success and is also a great promoter and facilitator for the products’ sale. Moreover, a highly satisfied consumer is also faithful. The market is flooded with strong competition; therefore it makes the consumer sensitive to individual negative oscillations, which the company could have made in one of the segments that are very important to the consumer. The consumer has an accurate view of the prices of comparable products from competitive trademarks. Goriška Brda wine cellar offers several top trademarks; however, the largest sales results were achieved by the trademark Quercus, which is the subject of study and research in my diploma paper. The results of the survey show that interviewees were satisfied the most with the width and quality of the assortment of trademark Quercus. Interviewees were satisfied the most with “Muškat – Verduc” wine. Two of the most important reasons which influence the purchase of other trademark wines are influence of friends and rates. In case of dissatisfaction with selected wines, the interviewees would not buy them anymore and would therefore inform their friends.
Secondary keywords: consumer;satisfaction;consumer loyalty;trademark Quercus;Goriška Brda wine cellar.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 35 str., 3 str. pril.
ID: 9136975
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