diplomsko delo
Špela Pucelj (Author), Špela Razpotnik (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala povezanost med kompetencami, pridobljenimi preko neformalnega učenja, in samozaposlitvijo socialnih pedagogov. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni pomembni pojmi: od družbe znanja in različnih vidikov učenja do kompetenc in njihovega vrednotenja. V nadaljevanju sledi opredelitev družbe dela, razmer na trgu dela in samozaposlitve kot oblike prekernega dela. Vse skupaj sem na koncu povezala s socialno pedagogiko ter teoretičnim ozadjem možnosti samozaposlovanja socialnih pedagogov. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih pet samozaposlenih socialnih pedagoginj in pedagogov. Želela sem izvedeti, kako in v kakšni meri so njihove kompetence povezane z oblikovanjem poklicne identitete. Preko individualnih pogovorov z njimi sem izvedela, da se jim pri delu zdi najbolj pomemben oseben odnos z vsakim posameznikom ali skupino, s katero sodelujejo. Njim prilagajajo vsebine in metode dela, da lahko čim bolj odgovarjajo na potrebe. Ključna pri delu se jim zdita osebna in strokovna rast. Na podlagi različnih usposabljanj ozaveščajo že usvojeno znanje ter ga nadgrajujejo, pri tem pa opazujejo osebne spremembe. Vse to največkrat vrednotijo sami na podlagi refleksije izkušnje, preko katere prepoznavajo osvojeno znanje, to povezujejo s preteklimi izkušnjami, hkrati pa iščejo nove priložnosti za rast. Vrednotenje poteka tudi na podlagi povratne informacije od drugih. Pridobljene kompetence vključujejo preko interaktivnega dela z udeleženci, pomagajo jim pri reševanju izzivov ter pri iskanju in gradnji novih konceptov dela. Pripomorejo tudi pri izgradnji osebne in strokovne identitete.


socialni pedagogi;kompetence;trg dela;samozaposlovanje;socialna pedagogika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Š. Pucelj]
UDC: 37.013.42:331.102.12(043.2)
COBISS: 11326281 Link will open in a new window
Views: 603
Downloads: 135
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Correlating non-formal knowledge and self-employmentof social pedagogues
Secondary abstract: The thesis researches the relations between competences gained through non-formal learning and self-employment of social pedagogues. The theoretical part defines the relevant concepts – from knowledge society through different aspects of learning to competences and their evaluation. The thesis goes on to define the work society, the conditions on the labour market and self-employment as a form of precarious work. All this is then put into the context of social pedagogy and the theoretical background for the possibility of self-employment for social pedagogues. The research included 5 self-employed social pedagogues. The aim was to find out how and to what extent their competences are related to how their professional identity has formed. The research shows that in their work they find a personal relationship with every individual or group they work with to be the most important. They adapt the content and work methods accordingly to answer their particular needs as best as possible. Another key aspect they see in their work is personal and professional growth. Based on different trainings, they examine the knowledge they have acquired and upgrade it, while monitoring personal changes. They mostly do all this themselves through reflection on their experience, which helps them recognise the acquired knowledge and skills. They relate this to their past experience, and at the same time look for new opportunities for growth. Evaluation is also based on feedback from others. They use their newly acquired competences in interactive work with participants, and they are helpful in problem solving and searching for and setting up new concepts of work. Furthermore, they are useful in the formation of personal and professional identity.
Secondary keywords: informal education;labour market;self-employed person;neformalno učenje;delovni trg;samozaposleni;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 104 str.
ID: 9226859