magistrsko delo
Mateja Vodnik (Avtor), Lea Šugman Bohinc (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo analizira kompetentnost socialnega pedagoga po končanem študiju ter njegovo strokovno usposobljenost za konkretno delo. V teoretičnem delu se osredotočim na terminološko razlago kompetentnosti v povezavi s kakovostjo dela socialnega pedagoga. Poleg problematiziranja terminologije se ukvarjam tudi z različnimi teoretičnimi razsežnostmi in poudarki samega koncepta kompetentnosti in kompetenc in predlagam sintezo predstavljenih konceptualizacij omenjenih pojmov, s katero poskušam osmisliti razlike in podobnosti med njimi. V središču empirične raziskave je samoocena kompetentnosti socialnega pedagoga pri poklicnih začetkih ter po dopolnjenih desetih letih delovnih izkušenj, še posebej tista področja, ki jih socialni pedagog pri sebi reflektira kot močna in uspešna ter šibka področja v delovni praksi oziroma področja, za katera meni, da zanje ni dovolj usposobljen. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov o oceni kompetenc socialnega pedagoga opozorim na tista delovna področja v socialni pedagogiki, ki bi jih bilo potrebno v bodoče bolj poudariti in/ali jih vključiti v programe strokovnega usposabljanja in izpopolnjevanja. Delo posreduje tudi podatke o tem, kje se socialni pedagog dodatno izobražuje, kakšni so njegovi motivi za dodatno izobraževanje in na čem temelji njegovo zadovoljstvo pri delu oziroma morebitna poklicna izgorelost. V teoretičnem delu predstavim tudi socialnopedagoški pogled na psihoterapijo ter integrativno relacijsko psihoterapevtsko modaliteto, ki vključuje pomembne vsebine nadgradnje strokovne identitete v poklicih psihosocialne pomoči. Empirični del pa predstavi samorefleksijo strokovne izkušnje in samooceno kompetentnosti v raziskavo vključenih socialnih pedagoginj. Raziskava kaže, da se doživljanje kompetentnosti z leti stopnjuje glede na osebni in profesionalni razvoj in je odvisna od številnih dejavnikov, med katerimi je bistven medsebojni odnos tako s sodelavci kot z uporabniki storitev. Medsebojno soustvarjanje in spontano porajanje procesa pomeni pomemben premik v doktrini poklicev pomoči. Vseživljenjsko izobraževanje je nepogrešljivi element vzdrževanja kompetentnosti in obvezna nadgradnja z diplomo pridobljenega znanja. Mlajše socialne pedagoginje si želijo izobraževanja s področja oblikovanja individualnih programov za osebe s posebnimi potrebami, starejše pa različne smeri psihoterapije. Supervizija je dragoceni suport strokovnemu delu. Zelo pomemben del strukturiranja kompetentnosti je delo na sebi, izkustveno učenje in osebno reflektiranje.

Ključne besede

kompetence;samorefleksija;psihoterapija;socialna pedagogika;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Založnik: [M. Vodnik]
UDK: 37.013.42(043.2)
COBISS: 10636105 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1223
Št. prenosov: 157
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Experiencing competency of social pedagogues
Sekundarni povzetek: The master's thesis analyses the competence of a social pedagogue after graduation and his professional qualifications for practical work. In the theoretical part, I focus on the terminological explanation of competence in connection with the quality of the social pedagogue’s work. In addition to problematizing the terminology, I also deal with different theoretical dimensions and the emphases on the concept of competence and competences, and I propose a synthesis of the presented conceptualisations of these notions, in regard to which I’ve tried to make sense of their similarities and differences. At the heart of the empirical research is the self-assessment of the competence of the social pedagogue at the beginning of the career and after gaining ten years of work experience, especially the scopes that the social pedagogue himself deems to be strong and successful, and the weak scopes of the working practice, for which he considers he hasn’t been sufficiently trained. Based on the data collected on the evaluation of competence of a social pedagogue, I call attention to those fields of work in social pedagogy that should be more emphasized and/or included in professional training and development programmes. The thesis also provides the information on the whereabouts of the social pedagogue’s further education, what were his motives for further education and the basis for his satisfaction at work or the possible professional burnout. In the theoretical part I present also social pedagogical view at psychotherapy and integrative psychotherapy relational modality, which includes a significant content upgrade of professional identity in occupations psychosocial assistance. The empirical part presents the self-reflection of the professional experience and the self-assessment of the competence of the social pedagogues included in the research. It shows that the perception of competence intensifies with years in regard to personal and professional development, and it depends on many factors, the most essential being the relationship with both co-workers and service users. Mutual co-creation and the spontaneous emergence of the process denote an important shift in the doctrine of social services. Life-long learning is an indispensable element of the competence maintenance and the obligatory upgrade of the knowledge one has gained by completing the undergraduate education. The younger social pedagogues wish for educational programmes in the field of individual programme design for people with special needs, while the older generation desires for more knowledge in the different fields of psychotherapy. Supervision presents a valuable support for professional work. The very important parts in the structuring of competence are intensive self-examination, experiential learning and self-reflection.
Sekundarne ključne besede: sociology;education;sociologija;vzgoja in izobraževanje;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: V, 226 str.
ID: 8773676