diplomsko delo
Nika Kočevar (Avtor), Mojca Juriševič (Mentor)


Prepoznavanje in delo s potencialno nadarjenimi učenci v prvem triletju osnovne šole

Ključne besede

prepoznavanje nadarjenih;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Kočevar]
COBISS: 9440329 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 733
Št. prenosov: 142
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Identification of the potentially gifted students and their education in the first triad of the elementary school
Sekundarni povzetek: During the first triad of the elementary school teachers meet different students, also the ones, potentially gifted. In the Concept: finding and working with the gifted students in the nine-year elementary school (1999) the ways of identification in this period are not set yet and this is why it is up to teachers to discover these students and to adjust the lectures in ways which will help to stimulate their potentials. In this undergraduate thesis I am interested in the characteristics by which teachers recognize potentially gifted students, how they motivate them for schoolwork and how they adjust the methods of pedagogical work for their higher learning demands. In the theoretical part I first define talent. Then I write about who the gifted students are and what are their characteristics. I also write about the process of discovering the gifted students in the elementary school and about the learning motivation and ways of teaching them. Next, I point out gifted children in the preschool period and write about how should teachers of the first triad of elementary school work with those highly potential students. At last, I introduce the use of special curricular models and individualized programs, which can be used to stimulate the gifted students according to their potentials and interests. In the empirical part I want to see by which characteristics the gifted students are recognized by the teachers, who help the educators with that, and what problems usually come on their way. I also want to find out how teachers motivate those students and what adjustments of work they practice with them. I am interested in the benefits of early recognition of gifted students and the major problems that teachers recognize by doing so. The empirical part was conducted through the sample of 35 teachers of the first triad of the elementary school, who filled out the questionnaire, made for the needs of this undergraduate thesis. The results show that the creativity is the most important characteristic in the process of identification of the gifted students. School social workers help the teacher with this process of identification and the major problem that they face during it is the students’ disinterest for additional work. However, the potentially gifted students are usually motivated for work by teacher’s price, and during the learning process, teachers usually adjust the tempo of learning. The learning process is usually adjusted for mathematics and Slovenian language learning. For the stimulation of development of the students with capabilities above average, the school organizes different interesting activities and additional lectures. In general, teachers are aware about the importance of their additional work with the gifted students, however, the major problem they face with that is the lack of time. Early identification of the gifted students seems important to teachers because of the easier and faster way for the gifted to develop their full potentials and capabilities. However, as the major problem of early recognition of talents they state the heavy identification of talent.
Sekundarne ključne besede: gifted;primary school;teacher role;nadarjeni;osnovna šola;vloga učitelja;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: 58 f.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Identification of the potentially gifted students and their education in the first triad of the elementary school
Ključne besede (ePrints): potencialno nadarjeni učenci
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): potentially gifted students
Povzetek (ePrints): Učitelji v prvem triletju osnovne šole se pri svojem delu srečujejo z različnimi učenci, med katerimi so tudi potencialno nadarjeni. Po Konceptu: odkrivanje in delo z nadarjenimi učenci v devetletni osnovni šoli (1999) postopek identifikacije v tem obdobju še ni predviden, zato je od učiteljev odvisno, ali te učence prepoznajo in ali jim znajo ustrezno prilagoditi pouk, ki jim omogoča uresničevanje njihovih potencialov. V diplomskem delu me zanima, po katerih lastnostih učitelji prepoznajo potencialno nadarjene učence, na kakšne načine jih motivirajo za učno delo in kako njihovim učnim potrebam prilagajajo metode ter oblike pedagoškega dela. V teoretičnemu delu najprej opredelim pojem nadarjenosti, nato pa predstavim, kdo so nadarjeni učenci in katere so njihove značilnosti. Opišem postopek odkrivanja nadarjenih učencev v osnovni šoli, v nadaljevanju pa pozornost namenim najprej učni motivaciji, nato pa se posvetim poučevanju nadarjenih učencev. Izpostavim nadarjene otroke v predšolskem obdobju ter opišem, kaj naj bi učitelji upoštevali pri delu s potencialno nadarjenimi učenci v prvem triletju osnovne šole. Nazadnje predstavim uporabo kurikularnih modelov in individualiziranih programov, s katerimi ima šola možnost spodbujati nadarjene učence v skladu z njihovimi potenciali in interesi. V empiričnemu delu me zanima, po katerih lastnostih učitelji prepoznajo potencialno nadarjene učence, kdo jim pri tem pomaga in s kakšnimi težavami se pri tem srečujejo. Rada bi izvedela tudi, kako učitelji motivirajo potencialno nadarjene učence ter kakšne prilagoditve dela z njimi izvajajo. Zanimajo me prednosti zgodnjega prepoznavanja nadarjenih in ključni problemi, ki pri tem nastajajo, kakor jih zaznavajo učitelji. Empirično raziskavo sem izvedla na vzorcu 35 učiteljev prvega triletja osnovne šole, ki so za namen diplomskega dela izpolnili anketni vprašalnik. Rezultati kažejo, da je pri prepoznavanju potencialno nadarjenih učencev v prvem triletju za učitelje najpomembnejša lastnost ustvarjalnost. Pri prepoznavanju potencialno nadarjenih učencev učiteljem najpogosteje pomagajo šolski svetovalni delavci, pri tem pa se največkrat soočajo s težavo, da so učenci nezainteresirani za delo. Potencialno nadarjene učence učitelji najpogosteje motivirajo s pohvalo, med učnim procesom pa jim v največji meri prilagajajo tempo učenja. Učno delo najpogosteje diferencirajo pri matematiki in slovenskem jeziku. Za spodbujanje razvoja učencev z nadpovprečnimi sposobnostmi izven rednega pouka šola nekajkrat na teden organizira interesne dejavnosti in dodatni pouk. Učitelji se na splošno zavedajo zahtevnega dela z nadarjenimi učenci, pri delu z njimi jim največ težav povzroča pomanjkanje časa. Zgodnje prepoznavanje nadarjenih se jim zdi pomembno, saj tako boljše in hitreje spodbujajo razvoj in uresničevanje njihovih nadpovprečnih potencialov, kot problem zgodnjega prepoznavanja nadarjenosti pa v največji meri navajajo težko prepoznavnost nadarjenosti.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): During the first triad of the elementary school teachers meet different students, also the ones, potentially gifted. In the Concept: finding and working with the gifted students in the nine-year elementary school (1999) the ways of identification in this period are not set yet and this is why it is up to teachers to discover these students and to adjust the lectures in ways which will help to stimulate their potentials. In this undergraduate thesis I am interested in the characteristics by which teachers recognize potentially gifted students, how they motivate them for schoolwork and how they adjust the methods of pedagogical work for their higher learning demands. In the theoretical part I first define talent. Then I write about who the gifted students are and what are their characteristics. I also write about the process of discovering the gifted students in the elementary school and about the learning motivation and ways of teaching them. Next, I point out gifted children in the preschool period and write about how should teachers of the first triad of elementary school work with those highly potential students. At last, I introduce the use of special curricular models and individualized programs, which can be used to stimulate the gifted students according to their potentials and interests. In the empirical part I want to see by which characteristics the gifted students are recognized by the teachers, who help the educators with that, and what problems usually come on their way. I also want to find out how teachers motivate those students and what adjustments of work they practice with them. I am interested in the benefits of early recognition of gifted students and the major problems that teachers recognize by doing so. The empirical part was conducted through the sample of 35 teachers of the first triad of the elementary school, who filled out the questionnaire, made for the needs of this undergraduate thesis. The results show that the creativity is the most important characteristic in the process of identification of the gifted students. School social workers help the teacher with this process of identification and the major problem that they face during it is the students’ disinterest for additional work. However, the potentially gifted students are usually motivated for work by teacher’s price, and during the learning process, teachers usually adjust the tempo of learning. The learning process is usually adjusted for mathematics and Slovenian language learning. For the stimulation of development of the students with capabilities above average, the school organizes different interesting activities and additional lectures. In general, teachers are aware about the importance of their additional work with the gifted students, however, the major problem they face with that is the lack of time. Early identification of the gifted students seems important to teachers because of the easier and faster way for the gifted to develop their full potentials and capabilities. However, as the major problem of early recognition of talents they state the heavy identification of talent.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): potentially gifted students
ID: 8310873