magistrsko diplomsko delo
Matic Čad (Avtor), Aleš Galič (Mentor)


V mednarodni gospodarski arbitraži obstaja zapleten odnos med zaupnostjo in transparentnostjo. Zaupnost predstavlja enega izmed zaščitnih znakov mednarodne gospodarske arbitraže, ki se pojavlja kot pomemben razlog, zaradi katerega se stranke odločajo za arbitražo, saj jim omogoča učinkovito in nepristransko reševanje sporov. Prav tako pa je mogoče trditi, da sodobni trendi zahtevajo vse večjo mero transparentnosti in odprtosti. Vse bolj opazen trend transparentnosti stremi k zagotavljanju večje zanesljivosti, predvidljivosti in razumljivosti arbitražnega postopka, kar ga umešča med vrednote mednarodne gospodarske arbitraže. Transparentnost v mednarodni arbitraži velja za eno izmed aktualnejših tem, o kateri se pogosto razpravlja tako v krogu arbitražnih strokovnjakov kot tudi v širši zainteresirani javnosti. Namen magistrske diplomske naloge ni predstaviti transparentnosti in zaupnosti kot izključujoča si instituta, temveč poiskati pravo ravnovesje med navidezno nasprotujočima si pojmoma za zagotavljanje potreb sodobnega gospodarstva in ohranjanja zaupanja uporabnikov arbitraže. Ključno vprašanje, na katerega bom poskušal odgovoriti je: Ali je treba spremeniti mednarodno gospodarsko arbitražo v smislu povečanja transparentnosti in hkratnega ohranjanja zasebnosti in zaupnosti kot njenih temeljnih značilnosti? V iskanju odgovora na vprašanje magistrska diplomska naloga vključuje opredelitev pojmov zaupnosti in transparentnosti kot pomembnih vrednot mednarodne gospodarske arbitraže, analizo primerjalnopravne ureditve zaupnosti v različnih nacionalnih pravnih sistemih in prikaz koncepta transparentnosti kot sredstva razvoja mednarodne gospodarske arbitraže. Na podlagi kritične analize veljavne ureditve in vrednotenja obstoječih prizadevanj v arbitražni skupnosti zaključim magistrsko diplomsko nalogo z ugotovitvama, da današnji sistem mednarodne gospodarske arbitraže že vsebuje nezanemarljivo mero transparentnosti ter da transparentnost in zaupnost nista nujno nasprotujoča si instituta, temveč lahko hkrati obstajata v sistemu mednarodne gospodarske arbitraže.

Ključne besede

mednarodna gospodarska arbitraža;transparentnost;zaupnost;zasebnost;arbitražna skupnost;javna objava arbitražnih odločb;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Čad]
UDK: 347(043.2)
COBISS: 16507985 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 812
Št. prenosov: 273
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Transparency in Commercial Arbitration – possibility to co-exist with confidentiality?
Sekundarni povzetek: In international commercial arbitration, there is a complex relationship between confidentiality and transparency. Confidentiality represents one of the trademarks of international commercial arbitration. Since it allows for an effective and unbiased dispute resolution, it represents one of the important reasons why parties decide for arbitration. In addition, we could claim that contemporary trends demand the ever-greater transparency and openness. The increasingly visible transparency trend endeavours to ensure greater reliability, predictability and comprehensibility of the arbitration procedure, which explains its placement amongst the values of the international commercial arbitration. Transparency is one of the running topics in the international commercial arbitration and is often discussed not only in the circle of arbitration experts, but also amongst the wider public. The purpose of the master’s thesis is not to present transparency and confidentiality as mutually excluding institutes, but to find the right balance between the seemingly opposing phenomena in order to cater for the needs of the current economy and preserve the trust of the parties involved in arbitration. The key question, which I will attempt to answer in this thesis, is: should we change the international commercial arbitration in order to increase transparency, whilst simultaneously preserving the privacy and confidentiality as its fundamental characteristics? In seeking an answer to this question, I present the definitions of confidentiality and transparency as important values of the international commercial arbitration, provide an analysis of comparative legal arrangements of confidentiality in different national legal systems and present the concept of transparency as a means for development of the international commercial arbitration. Based on the critical analysis of the applicable arrangement and an evaluation of the existing endeavours in the arbitration community, I conclude the master’s thesis with the finding that the existing system of the international commercial arbitration already includes a considerable amount of transparency. What is more, transparency and confidentiality do not act as necessarily opposing institutes, since they can co-exist in the system of the international commercial arbitration.
Sekundarne ključne besede: international commercial arbitration;transparency;confidentiality;privacy;arbitration community;publication of arbitral awards.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Strani: VII, 65 f.
ID: 11009740