doktorska disertacija
Tatjana Novak (Avtor), Rajko Vute (Mentor), Boris Sila (Član komisije), Vojko Strojnik (Komentor)


Vpliv telesne vadbe na kvaliteto življenja starostnikov

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Novak]
UDK: 796:28-483(043.3)
COBISS: 9066569 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2046
Št. prenosov: 202
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: ǂThe ǂimpact of the exercises on the quality of life of elderly people
Sekundarni povzetek: The effect of a programmed and adapted physical exercise on the quality of life of elderly people was studied in this thesis. The study in the year 2006/07 included 32 women forming an exercise group, who were on average 69,68 years old. It also included an equally large control group with the average age of 70,75 years, which has not taken part in the practice. The training was carried out for six months intensively, twice a week for 60 minutes. For both groups we conducted a general assessment of the situation, a subjective assessment of their physical activity, their satisfaction with life, their sports preferences and the measurements of basic physical parameters. The tests of functional fitness for the elderly and their flexibility, strength and balance were also checked according to the sports chart. The study was repeated in 2011. We invited 20 women who took part at the same training four years ago and who are 74,35 years old on average as well as 17 women from the same control group with an average age of 75,12 years. The analysis of how satisfied with their life the group was showed that the practicing group was significantly more satisfied with their lives at the end of the exercising than at the beginning. Both groups dealt with similar sports in the past, such as hiking and walking, road cycling, mountaineering, exercising at home, swimming, social dancing, sledding, ice skating, alpine skiing and general exercising. The sports both groups worked with in the past are a part of the curriculum for elementary education in the subject of physical education. This indicates that the population of elderly women in the past probably gained the most experience in those sports associated with the program during schooling. The results of tests of functional fitness for the elderly and modified sports and educational charts significantly improved after half a year of adjusted exercise in the exercise group. The biggest statistically significant differences in the results of the exercising at the beginning and at the end of exercising were found in the tests such as: touching hands on the back, lifting the torso for 60 seconds, walking backwards on the hands and feet, lifting weights while sitting for 30 seconds, squeezing hands with a dynamometer and walking for 9 minutes. The members of the training group, which finished training in 2006/07 and was both measured then and in 2011, have still made progress in the tests such as: the alternate hand tapping for 20 seconds, the hanging from a bar, getting up from the chair for 30 seconds, lifting weights while sitting for 30 seconds, the torso bending forward on the bench, get up and go and walking for 9 minutes. The motor abilities of the members of the control group worsened from 2006/07 to 2011, as they reached worse results in all tests. However, the outcomes of the tests remained averagely the same with the tasks touching hands on the back and the hanging from a bar. The purpose of this study was to highlight the importance of a regular physical activity on the quality of life. It also helped improve motor skills, which relate to the strength, flexibility and balance as well as the endurance, speed and coordination of persons below 65 years of age. We have found out that by exercising we can influence the satisfaction in life substantially, we feel better and have a significantly higher quality of life, which is reflected in the independent performance of all basic hygiene tasks, dressing up, performing household and domestic work, shopping and other tasks related to the free movement, the extension of a living space and an independent life, without the assistance of other people.
Sekundarne ključne besede: elderly person;female;motor activity;health;starejša oseba;ženska;motorika;zdravje;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Doktorska disertacija
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: 250 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): The impact of the exercises on the quality of life of elderly people
Ključne besede (ePrints): starostniki
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): elderly
Povzetek (ePrints): V nalogi smo ugotavljali vpliv programirane in prilagojene športne vadbe na kvaliteto življenja starostnikov. V raziskavi je leta 2006/07 sodelovalo 32 žensk vadbene skupine s povprečno starostjo 69,68 let ter enako velika kontrolna skupina s povprečno starostjo 70,75 let, ki v vadbo ni bila vključena. Vadba je potekala intenzivno pol leta, dvakrat tedensko po 60 minut. Za obe skupini smo izvedli analizo splošne ocene stanja, subjektivne ocene telesne dejavnosti, zadovoljstva z življenjem, preferenc športnih panog in meritev osnovnih telesnih parametrov ter testov funkcionalne telesne pripravljenosti za starejše in športno-vzgojnega kartona s preverjanjem gibljivosti, moči in ravnotežja. Raziskavo smo ponovili leta 2011, vanjo se je vključilo na povabilo po štirih letih 20 žensk iste vadbene skupine s povprečno starostjo 74,35 let in 17 žensk iste kontrolne skupine s povprečno starostjo 75,12 let. Analiza zadovoljstva z življenjem je pokazala, da je bila vadbena skupina po koncu vadbe bistveno bolj zadovoljna s svojim življenjem kot na začetku vadbe. Obe skupini sta se v preteklosti največ ukvarjali s podobnimi športnimi panogami, kot so hoja in sprehodi, cestno kolesarstvo, planinstvo, vadba doma, plavanje, družabni ples, sankanje, drsanje, alpsko smučanje in splošna vadba. Športne panoge, s katerimi sta se ukvarjali obe skupini v preteklosti, so del Učnega načrta - programa osnovnošolskega izobraževanja za predmet športna vzgoja, kar kaže, da je ženska populacija starostnikov najverjetneje v preteklosti pridobila največ izkušenj v tistih športnih dejavnostih, ki so povezane s programom športne dejavnosti v času šolanja. Rezultati testiranja funkcionalne telesne pripravljenosti za starejše in modificiranega športno-vzgojnega kartona so bili pri vadbeni skupini bistveno boljši po končani polletni prilagojeni vadbi pri vseh testih. Največje statistično pomembne razlike v rezultatih vadbene skupine na začetku in ob koncu vadbe so bile ugotovljene pri testih: dotik rok na hrbtu, dviganje trupa 60 sekund, poligon nazaj, dvigovanje uteži sede 30 sekund, stisk pesti z dinamometrom in hoja 9 minut. Članice vadbene skupine so v času med drugo meritvijo po končani vadbi leta 2006/07 in meritvijo leta 2011 še vedno dosegale napredek pri testih dotikanje plošče z roko v 20 sekundah, vesa, vstajanje s stola 30 sekund, dvigovanje uteži sede 30 sekund, predklon na klopci, vstani in pojdi ter hoja 9 minut, članice kontrolne skupine pa so od 2006/07 do 2011 pri gibalnih sposobnosti zelo nazadovale, saj so dosegle slabše rezultate za vse teste, razen pri vesi in dotiku rok na hrbtu. Namen raziskave je bil osvetliti pomen redne telesne aktivnosti na kvaliteto življenja in izboljšanje gibalnih sposobnosti, ki se nanašajo na moč, gibljivost in ravnotežje ter nenazadnje tudi na vzdržljivost, hitrost in koordinacijo oseb po 65 letu starosti. Ugotavljamo, da lahko z vadbo pomembno vplivamo na večje zadovoljstvo v življenju, boljše počutje in bistveno kvalitetnejše življenje, ki se odraža v samostojnem opravljanju vseh osnovnih higienskih opravil, oblačenju, opravljanju gospodinjskih in hišnih del, nakupovanju in drugih opravil, vezanih na svobodno gibanje, razširitev bivanjskega prostora in neodvisno ter samostojno življenje brez pomoči drugih.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The effect of a programmed and adapted physical exercise on the quality of life of elderly people was studied in this thesis. The study in the year 2006/07 included 32 women forming an exercise group, who were on average 69,68 years old. It also included an equally large control group with the average age of 70,75 years, which has not taken part in the practice. The training was carried out for six months intensively, twice a week for 60 minutes. For both groups we conducted a general assessment of the situation, a subjective assessment of their physical activity, their satisfaction with life, their sports preferences and the measurements of basic physical parameters. The tests of functional fitness for the elderly and their flexibility, strength and balance were also checked according to the sports chart. The study was repeated in 2011. We invited 20 women who took part at the same training four years ago and who are 74,35 years old on average as well as 17 women from the same control group with an average age of 75,12 years. The analysis of how satisfied with their life the group was showed that the practicing group was significantly more satisfied with their lives at the end of the exercising than at the beginning. Both groups dealt with similar sports in the past, such as hiking and walking, road cycling, mountaineering, exercising at home, swimming, social dancing, sledding, ice skating, alpine skiing and general exercising. The sports both groups worked with in the past are a part of the curriculum for elementary education in the subject of physical education. This indicates that the population of elderly women in the past probably gained the most experience in those sports associated with the program during schooling. The results of tests of functional fitness for the elderly and modified sports and educational charts significantly improved after half a year of adjusted exercise in the exercise group. The biggest statistically significant differences in the results of the exercising at the beginning and at the end of exercising were found in the tests such as: touching hands on the back, lifting the torso for 60 seconds, walking backwards on the hands and feet, lifting weights while sitting for 30 seconds, squeezing hands with a dynamometer and walking for 9 minutes. The members of the training group, which finished training in 2006/07 and was both measured then and in 2011, have still made progress in the tests such as: the alternate hand tapping for 20 seconds, the hanging from a bar, getting up from the chair for 30 seconds, lifting weights while sitting for 30 seconds, the torso bending forward on the bench, get up and go and walking for 9 minutes. The motor abilities of the members of the control group worsened from 2006/07 to 2011, as they reached worse results in all tests. However, the outcomes of the tests remained averagely the same with the tasks touching hands on the back and the hanging from a bar. The purpose of this study was to highlight the importance of a regular physical activity on the quality of life. It also helped improve motor skills, which relate to the strength, flexibility and balance as well as the endurance, speed and coordination of persons below 65 years of age. We have found out that by exercising we can influence the satisfaction in life substantially, we feel better and have a significantly higher quality of life, which is reflected in the independent performance of all basic hygiene tasks, dressing up, performing household and domestic work, shopping and other tasks related to the free movement, the extension of a living space and an independent life, without the assistance of other people.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): elderly
ID: 8308715