diplomsko delo
Andrej Lavrič (Avtor), Branko Kaučič (Mentor), Stanislav Avsec (Komentor)


Uporaba e-publikacijskega formata EPUB 3 za učne priprave pri pouku Tehnike in tehnologije

Ključne besede

elektronske publikacije;e-bralniki;tablični računalniki;osnovna šola;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Lavrič]
UDK: 004.4:37(043.2)
COBISS: 9629001 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 996
Št. prenosov: 270
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Use of EPUB 3 for creating a teaching preparation at Design and technology
Sekundarni povzetek: The first part of the thesis is a chronological overview of basic technologies, which have had an important impact on the development of a new format of electronic publication EPUB 3. Here we present the structure of format EPUB 3 along with technologies, supported by the format. On the other hand we present possible alternatives to the format mentioned. Later we concentrate on a numerous advantages of the EPUB 3 format. Besides many different technologies it supports, the main benefit is a so called reflowable content. This means that the document format is not imposed by any other form or device, because it is designed merely to be displayed on screens of various sizes without the content lost. However, the content can also be saved as a fixed layer format, but by doing this we should bare in mind that the content displayed on screens will not adopt the screen form as it would otherwise. Additionally, we present the list of software, which can be used on different electronic devices, with different operating systems for reading e-materials (in EPUB 3 format), creating interactive materials or transforming a material from one format to another. At the end we present and compare the qualities of e-readers and table PC's designed for viewing digital contents and focus on the way EPUB 3 format is displayed on both devices. In the second, namely the empirical part of the paper/thesis we compare and analyze a classically written lesson plan in (MS Word) and a lesson plan written in the EPUB 3 format (Adobe InDesign and Plugin Aquafadas). We prepared lesson plans for the Design and Technology school subject for learners of the 8th grade of Elementary school. In our materials we used most of EPUB 3 format attributes such as hyperlinks, bookmarks, video and audio recordings, etc. Afterwards we collected some valuable feedback from students and Elementary school teachers by asking them to fill in a questionnaire, regarding the usefulness of e-content (lesson plan), written in the EPUB 3 format. Our main purpose of the questionnaire was to make sure that by performing a lesson using EPUB 3 format we have obtained the adequacy and usefulness of the school subject mentioned. Firstly, we wanted to find out whether the use of EPUB 3 format can aid to a better quality of a lesson plan and whether its use adds to a higher quality of teaching of students who have never before been asked to prepare a lesson plan or any kind of performance to a learners’ audience. Secondly, we addressed the teachers, whether they could easily embrace the lesson plan made in EPUB 3 teaching Design and technologies. Last but not least we examined the usefulness of EPUB 3 format as a potential e-material, which the future students and teachers could use at different Elementary school subjects. When comparing classically written lesson plans with lesson plans written in EPUB 3 format, the latter proved to be a much better didactical choice in class for the students as well as the teachers. The prevailing advantage in materials written in Format EPUB 3 are audio and video references along with diverse buttons, slideshow possibility, the ability to change the size and a font type. All these inserts combined and intertwined in one document type EPUB 3 are also an environmental contribution because printed materials would loose their rich message, therefore printing is no longer needed. Format EPUB 3 by all means brings novelties, due to which reading methods, searching and scheming through information will undoubtedly change. By using format EPUB 3 learning materials become a rich and interactive experiences therefore learners are much more engaged as they would be otherwise.
Sekundarne ključne besede: computer science;engineering;software;računalništvo;tehnika;programska oprema;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika in tehnika
Strani: X, 118 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Use of EPUB 3 for creating a teaching preparation at Design and technology
Ključne besede (ePrints): elektronska publikacija
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): electronic publication
Povzetek (ePrints): V prvem delu podamo kronološki pregled temeljnih tehnologij, ki so pomembno vplivale na razvoj novega formata elektronske publikacije (ang. electronic publication) EPUB 3. Nadalje predstavimo strukturo formata EPUB 3 in tehnologije, ki jih podpira, kaj le-te omogočajo ter kaj vse lahko vključimo v e-gradivo, zapisano v formatu EPUB 3. Prikažemo prednosti, ki jih omogoča format EPUB 3. Ob tem izpostavimo alternative novemu, še ne uveljavljenemu formatu EPUB 3. Največja odlika formata EPUB 3, poleg različnih tehnologij, ki jih podpira, je pretočnost vsebine (angl. reflowable content). To pomeni, da lahko isti dokument pokažemo na različnih elektronskih napravah, z različno velikimi zasloni in bo vsebina e-gradiva vedno optimalno prikazana (ni izgub dela vsebine). Če želimo, lahko dokument v formatu EPUB 3 shranimo tako, da je struktura dokumenta na strani fiksno postavljena. S tem onemogočimo, da bi zaradi pretočne vsebine prišlo do spremembe strukture dokumenta na različno velikih zaslonih, če ne bi izbrali fiksne postavitve strani. V nadaljevanju podamo seznam programske opreme, ki jo lahko uporabimo na različnih elektronskih napravah, z različnimi operacijskimi sistemi za prebiranje e-gradiv v EPUB 3 formatu, za ustvarjanje interaktivnih gradiv ali pretvorbo enega formata v drugega. Sledi predstavitev lastnosti tako e-bralnikov kot tudi tabličnih računalnikov, ki še posebej omogočajo pregledovanje digitalnih vsebin. Naredimo še primerjavo obeh elektronskih naprav ter predstavimo možnost pregledovanja gradiv, zapisanih v formatu EPUB 3. V drugem delu diplomskega dela, ki je praktične narave, smo napisali klasično učno pripravo (MS Word) in učno pripravo v formatu EPUB 3 (Adobe InDesign in vtičnik Aquafadas) za 8. razred osnovne šole pri predmetu Tehnika in tehnologija (TiT). V tej učni pripravi smo v formatu EPUB 3 uporabili prednosti, ki jih omogoča, kot so hiperpovezave, zaznamki, video in avdio posnetki itd. V nadaljevanju smo s pomočjo evalvacijskega vprašalnika in razgovorov, zbrali nekaj mnenj študentov in osnovnošolskih učiteljev TiT o uporabnosti e-gradiva (učne priprave) napisanega v formatu EPUB 3. Z njihovim mnenjem smo želeli preveriti ustreznost in uporabnost formata EPUB 3 v didaktične namene pri predmetu TiT. Zanimalo nas je namreč, ali lahko študentom, ki se na študijski poti prvič srečajo z učnimi pripravami ter s prvimi učnimi nastopi v šolah, uporaba formata EPUB 3 pripomore k kvalitetnejši učni pripravi in s tem tudi k učinkovitem poučevanju? Prav tako nas je zanimalo, v čem bi učna priprava izdelana v tem formatu pripomogla učiteljem, ki poučujejo predmet TiT? Hkrati smo raziskali še uporabnost EPUB 3 formata za morebitna e-gradiva, ki bi jih lahko bodoči študentje in učitelji uporabili v osnovnih šolah. Ugotovitve raziskave so pokazale, da učna priprava v obliki e-gradiva, napisana v formatu EPUB 3, v primerjavi s klasično učno pripravo, tako študentom tehnike kot učiteljem TiT omogoča boljšo didaktično izvedbo pedagoške ure. Prednosti učne priprave izdelane v formatu EPUB 3 so predvsem uporaba avdio in video vsebin, različni gumbi, diaprojekcija slik, možnost spreminjanja velikosti in tudi oblike pisave. Format EPUB 3 zbere različne vsebine in jih prikaže na enem mestu. Obenem uporaba novega digitalnega formata in elektronske naprave pomembno vpliva tudi na ohranjanje in varovanje okolja, saj tisk na papir ni potreben/mogoč. Format EPUB 3 v vseh pogledih prinaša novosti, ki bodo po našem mnenju v naslednjih letih bistveno spremenile način branja, iskanja in pregledovanja informacij. S formatom EPUB 3 lahko popestrimo vsebino e-gradiva, ki ga želimo predstaviti ter s tem dodatno motiviramo učence.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The first part of the thesis is a chronological overview of basic technologies, which have had an important impact on the development of a new format of electronic publication EPUB 3. Here we present the structure of format EPUB 3 along with technologies, supported by the format. On the other hand we present possible alternatives to the format mentioned. Later we concentrate on a numerous advantages of the EPUB 3 format. Besides many different technologies it supports, the main benefit is a so called reflowable content. This means that the document format is not imposed by any other form or device, because it is designed merely to be displayed on screens of various sizes without the content lost. However, the content can also be saved as a fixed layer format, but by doing this we should bare in mind that the content displayed on screens will not adopt the screen form as it would otherwise. Additionally, we present the list of software, which can be used on different electronic devices, with different operating systems for reading e-materials (in EPUB 3 format), creating interactive materials or transforming a material from one format to another. At the end we present and compare the qualities of e-readers and table PC's designed for viewing digital contents and focus on the way EPUB 3 format is displayed on both devices. In the second, namely the empirical part of the paper/thesis we compare and analyze a classically written lesson plan in (MS Word) and a lesson plan written in the EPUB 3 format (Adobe InDesign and Plugin Aquafadas). We prepared lesson plans for the Design and Technology school subject for learners of the 8th grade of Elementary school. In our materials we used most of EPUB 3 format attributes such as hyperlinks, bookmarks, video and audio recordings, etc. Afterwards we collected some valuable feedback from students and Elementary school teachers by asking them to fill in a questionnaire, regarding the usefulness of e-content (lesson plan), written in the EPUB 3 format. Our main purpose of the questionnaire was to make sure that by performing a lesson using EPUB 3 format we have obtained the adequacy and usefulness of the school subject mentioned. Firstly, we wanted to find out whether the use of EPUB 3 format can aid to a better quality of a lesson plan and whether its use adds to a higher quality of teaching of students who have never before been asked to prepare a lesson plan or any kind of performance to a learners’ audience. Secondly, we addressed the teachers, whether they could easily embrace the lesson plan made in EPUB 3 teaching Design and technologies. Last but not least we examined the usefulness of EPUB 3 format as a potential e-material, which the future students and teachers could use at different Elementary school subjects. When comparing classically written lesson plans with lesson plans written in EPUB 3 format, the latter proved to be a much better didactical choice in class for the students as well as the teachers. The prevailing advantage in materials written in Format EPUB 3 are audio and video references along with diverse buttons, slideshow possibility, the ability to change the size and a font type. All these inserts combined and intertwined in one document type EPUB 3 are also an environmental contribution because printed materials would loose their rich message, therefore printing is no longer needed. Format EPUB 3 by all means brings novelties, due to which reading methods, searching and scheming through information will undoubtedly change. By using format EPUB 3 learning materials become a rich and interactive experiences therefore learners are much more engaged as they would be otherwise.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): electronic publication
ID: 8311361