Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
The role of the kindergarden teacher at the assimilation of non-Slovene speaking children |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
The role of the kindergarden teacher at the assimilation of non-Slovene speaking children is of vital importance, because the teacher presents a significant adult, who creates, organizes and forms the communication kindergarden network. The kindergarden more and more frequently includes Slovene and non-Slovene speaking children. The study involved one hundred of teachers from ten kindergardens from Dolenjska and Bela krajina. The basic research method is descriptive – casual nonexperimental. Teachers, involved in the study, were asked questions, which were substantially related to their experiances and know ledge with non Slovene speaking children with an emphasis on the acquisition of the Slovenian language. The teachers use various teaching methods and techniques to observe the non-Slovene speaking children on their way of acquiring Slovene. The process of language acquisition is based on individual level of each individual. Respondents most often reported that with the intention of promoting language acquisition they pay attention to children in the form of individual work. These children, including Roma children, children from ex-Yugoslav republics, children from European and non-European countries, are integrated into the Slovene educational system, kindergarten, where they face integration problems as well as understanding and acquiring Slovene language. The later problem is influenced by different aspects such as the child’s age, motivation, intellectual abilities, personal characteristics and the environment (teacher and peers). However, there are also other factors like socio-economic status of the family and the demographic position or the child’s mother tongue. The similarity between languages enables easier and faster understanding of the Slovene language, giving the children a feeling of safety, which presents the foundation of the child’s active social and language integration. It is proven that the success of learning a new language depends on the vicinity/similarity or the distance/diversity of the other language in comparison with the mother tongue. The clearer the child’s attitude towards mother tongue is and the more solid the subsystem of their first language is, easier it will be for them to acquire the second language (Čok, 1993:128). The activities the teacher plans and carries out with the intention of the child’s integrationare most frequently in the area of art, movement and mathematics. These activities combined with non-verbal communication successfully enable the integration of non-Slovene speaking children into kindergarten. Non-verbal communication leads to integration and understanding the language, which consequently transforms into verbal communication or using Slovene with non-Slovene speaking children. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
Slovenian language;trainer;child;slovenščina;vzgojitelj;otrok; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Magistrsko delo/naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak. |
Strani: |
152 str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
The role of the kindergarden teacher at the assimilation of non-Slovene speaking children |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
neslovensko govoreči otroci |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
non-Slovene speaking children |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Vloga vzgojitelja pri usvajanju slovenščine neslovensko govorečih otrok je ključnega pomena, saj je vzgojitelj za otroka »pomemben odrasli«, ki ustvarja, organizira in oblikuje sporazumevalno mrežo v vrtcu, v katerega so vse pogosteje poleg slovensko govorečih otrok vključeni tudi njihovi neslovensko govoreči vrstniki. V raziskavi je sodelovalo sto vzgojiteljic/vzgojiteljev iz desetih vrtcev na Dolenjskem in v Beli krajini. Osnovna raziskovalna metode je deskriptivna – kavzalna neeksperimentalna. Anketirane vzgojiteljice oz. anketirani vzgojitelji so odgovarjali na vprašanja v anketnem vprašalniku, ki so se vsebinsko nanašala na izkušnje oz. znanja, ki jih imajo na področju delu z neslovensko govorečimi otroki s poudarkom na področju usvajanja slovenskega jezika.
Vzgojitelji z različnimi metodami in oblikami dela na osnovi opazovanja neslovensko govoreče otroke spremljajo na poti usvajanja slovenščine. Proces usvajanja jezika je na ravni vsakega posameznika individualen proces. Anketirani najpogosteje navajajo, da se omenjenim otrokom z namenom spodbujanja usvajanja jezika slovenščine posvečajo v obliki individualizacije oz. z individualno obliko dela. Neslovensko govoreči otroci, med katere sodijo romski otroci, otroci iz držav bivše Jugoslavije, otroci iz evropskih in neevropskih držav, so vključeni v slovenski vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem, vrtec, kjer se soočajo tako z integracijskimi težavami kakor tudi z razumevanjem in usvajanjem slovenščine. Na usvajanje jezika pa poleg otrokove starosti, motivacije, intelektualnih sposobnosti, osebnostnih lastnostih in okolja (vzgojitelj, vrstniki) vplivajo tudi dejavniki, ki opisujejo pomen socialno-ekonomskega statusa družine, katere del je neslovensko govoreči otrok, in demografski položaj oz. izvorni jezik (struktura), ki je otroku materni jezik. Podobnost med jeziki omogoča lažje in hitrejše razumevanje slovenskega jezika, kar otrokom omogoča občutek varnosti, ki predstavlja temelj otrokove aktivne družbene in jezikovne integracije. Dokazano je, da na uspešnost uzaveščanja drugega jezika vpliva bližina/sorodstvo ali oddaljenost/različnost drugega jezika od otrokove materinščine. Čim jasnejši je otrokov odnos do materinščine, čim bolj trden je njegov podsistem prvega jezika, hitreje bo pridobival drugi jezik (Čok, 1993: 128). Vzgojitelji z namenom integracije načrtujejo in izvajajo dejavnosti, ki najpogosteje segajo na kurikularna področja umetnosti, gibanja in matematike, saj menijo, da ta najbolje omogočajo vključitev neslovensko govorečega otroka v slovenski vrtec z neverbalno komunikacijo. Neverbalna komunikacija privede do vključevanja in razumevanja jezika, kar posledično preide v verbalno komunikacijo oz. uporabo slovenščine pri neslovensko govorečih otrocih. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
The role of the kindergarden teacher at the assimilation of non-Slovene speaking children is of vital importance, because the teacher presents a significant adult, who creates, organizes and forms the communication kindergarden network. The kindergarden more and more frequently includes Slovene and non-Slovene speaking children. The study involved one hundred of teachers from ten kindergardens from Dolenjska and Bela krajina. The basic research method is descriptive – casual nonexperimental. Teachers, involved in the study, were asked questions, which were substantially related to their experiances and know ledge with non Slovene speaking children with an emphasis on the acquisition of the Slovenian language. The teachers use various teaching methods and techniques to observe the non-Slovene speaking children on their way of acquiring Slovene. The process of language acquisition is based on individual level of each individual. Respondents most often reported that with the intention of promoting language acquisition they pay attention to children in the form of individual work. These children, including Roma children, children from ex-Yugoslav republics, children from European and non-European countries, are integrated into the Slovene educational system, kindergarten, where they face integration problems as well as understanding and acquiring Slovene language. The later problem is influenced by different aspects such as the child’s age, motivation, intellectual abilities, personal characteristics and the environment (teacher and peers). However, there are also other factors like socio-economic status of the family and the demographic position or the child’s mother tongue. The similarity between languages enables easier and faster understanding of the Slovene language, giving the children a feeling of safety, which presents the foundation of the child’s active social and language integration. It is proven that the success of learning a new language depends on the vicinity/similarity or the distance/diversity of the other language in comparison with the mother tongue. The clearer the child’s attitude towards mother tongue is and the more solid the subsystem of their first language is, easier it will be for them to acquire the second language (Čok, 1993:128). The activities the teacher plans and carries out with the intention of the child’s integrationare most frequently in the area of art, movement and mathematics. These activities combined with non-verbal communication successfully enable the integration of non-Slovene speaking children into kindergarten. Non-verbal communication leads to integration and understanding the language, which consequently transforms into verbal communication or using Slovene with non-Slovene speaking children. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
non-Slovene speaking children |
ID: |
8311379 |