magistrsko delo
V nalogi uvodoma predstavimo teorijo marketinga povezav. Opišemo razvoj marketinga povezav, njegovo mesto v teoriji marketinga ter definicije marketinga povezav glavnih avtorjev tega področja. Pojasnimo njegove temeljne vrednoste ter ga primerjamo s klasičnim pristopom v marketingu – s transakcijskim marketingom. Za večje razumevanje problema predstavimo glavne šole, ki se z marketingom povezav ukvarjajo, in sicer anglo-avstralski pristop, IMP pristop ter nordijsko šolo ter kot protiutež predstavimo kratek pregled kritik marketinga povezav. V nadaljevanju pojasnimo kako poteka uvajanje marketinga povezav v podjetje ter v zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela predstavimo glavne značilnosti povezovalnih odnosov, s katerimi se podrobneje ukvarjamo v raziskovalnem delu.
V raziskovalnem delu preverjamo dve hipotezi – intenzivnost povezovalnega odnosa podjetja z določnim odjemalcem pozitivno vpliva na vrednostni obseg prodaje ter intenzivnost povezovalnega odnosa podjetja z določnim odjemalcem pozitivno vpliva na zadovoljstvo odjemalca, obe preverjamo z devetimi podhipotezami, in sicer ali obdobje sodelovanja, pogostost stikov, rutiniziranost stikov, pomen prodaje odjemalcu, razsežnost menjave, potencialno sodelovanje odjemalca in podjetja na področjih tehnologije in upravljanja, podobnost organizacije ter delež nabave odjemalca pri podjetju pozitivno vplivajo na obseg prodaje ter na zadovoljstvo odjemalca. Ugotovimo, da na obseg prodaje pozitivno vplivajo pomen prodaje posameznemu odjemalcu, sodelovanje na področju tehnologije in upravljanja, podobnost organizacije in delež nabave odjemalcu (do 48,8%). Za spremenljivke rutiniziranost stikov, obdobje sodelovanja, pogostost stikov in razsežnost menjave na podlagi podatkov ne moremo trditi, da pozitivno vplivajo na obseg prodaje. Na zadovoljstvo odjemalcev pozitivno vplivajo spremenljivke obdobje sodelovanja, pogostost stikov in rutiniziranost stikov (od 3 naprej), razsežnost menjave, sodelovanje na področju tehnologije in upravljanja, podobnost organizacije in delež nabave odjemalca. Pomen prodaje odjemalcu na zadovoljstvo odjemalca ne vpliva pozitivno. Hipotezi zato sprejmemo le delno.
Ključne besede
marketing;marketing povezav;odjemalec;poslovna uspešnost;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2016 |
Tipologija: |
2.09 - Magistrsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta |
Založnik: |
P. Ambrož |
UDK: |
339.13:658.89(043.2) |
Št. ogledov: |
905 |
Št. prenosov: |
85 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
ǂThe ǂimpact of relationship intensity with customers on company preformance |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Master's thesis initially introduces a theory of relationship marketing. We describe the development of relationship marketing, its place in the theory of marketing and definitions of this theory by the main authors of this field. Its fundamental values are explained and compared with the classical approach in marketing - transactional marketing. For a better understanding of the problem main schools are introduced, namely the Anglo-Australian approach, IMP approach and Nordic school and as a counterweight a brief overview of criticism relationship marketing is introduced. We explain how strategic alliances are applied in business and in the last chapter of the theoretical part we write about relationships, which are further engaged in research work.
The research work has checked two hypotheses - the intensity of connecting the company's relationship with the definite customers has a positive impact on value sales volume and intensity of connecting the company's relationship with the definite customers has a positive impact on customer satisfaction, both are checked with nine sub-hypotheses, namely whether the period of cooperation, the frequency of contacts, routine of contacts, the importance of client sales, dimension of exchange, a potential client participation in the areas of technology and management, the similarity of the organization and the client share of purchases in the company have a positive impact on sales volume and customer satisfaction. We find that the volume of sales is positively affected by the importance of sales to the customer, cooperation in the field of technology and management, the similarity of the organization and share purchase client (up to 48.8%). Variables routine of the contacts, cooperation period, the frequency of contacts and dimension of exchange can not be said to have a positive impact on sales volume on the basis of collected data. Customer satisfaction is positively affected by the variables: period of cooperation, the frequency of contacts and routine of the contacts (3 onwards), dimension of exchange, cooperation in the field of technology and management, the similarity of the organization and share purchase of the client. The importance of client sales does not affect positively on customer satisfaction. Hypotheses are therefore accepted only partially. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
relationship marketing;relationship;intensity of relationship;company performance; |
URN: |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Magistrsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Strani: |
98 str. |
ID: |
9134474 |