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Št. zadetkov: 4
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: teorija grafov;Cayleyjevi grafi;hamiltonski cikli;graph theory;Cayley graphs;hamiltonian cycles;
We prove that if Cay▫$(G; S)$▫ is a connected Cayley graph with ▫$n$▫ vertices, and the prime factorization of ▫$n$▫ is very small, then Cay▫$(G; S)$▫ has a hamiltonian cycle. More precisely, if ▫$p$▫, ▫$q$▫, and ▫$r$▫ are distinct primes, then ▫$n$▫ can be of the form kp with ▫$24 \ne k < 32$▫, or ...
Leto: 2012 Vir: Univerza na Primorskem (UP)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: avtomatska regulacija;krmiljenje;krmilni sistemi;virtualno učenje;učenje na daljavo;servo sistemi;automatic control;control;control systems;virtual learning;distance learning;servo system;
The principles of robotics and control are widely taught in engineering subjects, however a common problem concerns the limited availability of expensive equipment with which students can work with, in order to acquire valuable practical "hands on" experience. The MuMaTE virtual robotics and control ...
Leto: 2002 Vir: Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko (UM FERI)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: polymer films;plasma polymerization;chemical vapor deposition;benzene;octafluorocyclobutane;SEM;FTIR;VASE;XPS;
Plasmaženhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) has been used to groww homo- polymerized films, co-polymerized films, and multi-layered films on a variety of substrates. The use of polymers as linear optical materials has growing, and organic materials offer several advantages over inorganic mater ...
Leto: 2004 Vir: Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: gozdni socialno-ekološki sistem;prilagoditvena sposobnost;strategije prilagoditve;prilagoditvene ovire;odpornost;gozdovi;forest social–ecological system;adaptive capacity;transformation strategies;adaptation barriers;resilience;
Purpose of Review Forests support most global terrestrial biodiversity and contribute to the livelihood of billions of people, but these and other benefits are in jeopardy due to global change. This leads to questions, such as how to address the challenges of global change in forest management, give ...
Leto: 2023 Vir: Biotehniška fakulteta (UL BF)
Št. zadetkov: 4
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