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Št. zadetkov: 3
Pregledni znanstveni članek
Oznake: brain;prelingually deaf;structure;
Functional studies show that our brain has a remarkable ability to reorganize itself in the absence of one or more sensory modalities. In this review, we gathered all the available articles investigating structural alterations in congenitally deaf subjects. Some concentrated only on specific regions ...
Leto: 2020 Vir: Medicinska fakulteta (UL MF)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: otorinolaringologija;vertigo;slabost;uho;izguba sluha;test vestibularne funkcije;pediatrija;
Objectives: This study aims to present characteristics of pediatric patients with peripheral vertigo and dizziness and their clinical workup results in the tertiary otorhinolaryngology center. We wanted to investigate whether the detailed history could replace the extensive vestibular testing and wh ...
Leto: 2022 Vir: Medicinska fakulteta (UL MF)
Magistrsko delo
Oznake: ontologija;epistemologija;etika;umetna inteligenca;solipsizem;družbeni nadzor;magistrska dela;
Naloga se ukvarja z ontološko-epistemološkimi in etičnimi zagatami, povezanimi z umetno inteligenco. Začne se s predstavitvijo in poskusom definicije umetne inteligence kot institucionalizirane raziskovalne discipline, ki se je začela razvijati na sredini 20. stoletja. Hkrati predstavi nekatere veli ...
Leto: 2023 Vir: Filozofska fakulteta (UL FF)
Št. zadetkov: 3
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