Nada Razpet (Author)


Moderni načini poučevanja zahtevajo dobro izobraženega učitelja. Če želimo, da bodo učenci v procesu poučevanja čim bolj aktivni, jih moramo na to navajati že od zgodnje mladosti. Za naše delo na pedagoški fakulteti je torej pomembno, kako bomo študente predšolske vzgoje in študente razrednega pouka pripravili za njihov poklic. Če se bodo namreč otroci v vrtcu in kasneje v prvih razredih osnovne šole navadili, da bodo morali do nekaterih spoznanj priti sami s pomočjo vzgojiteljev in učiteljev, da jim torej odgovorov ne bomo prinesli na krožniku, se nam za našo prihodnost ni treba bati. Vendar se v sedanjem sistemu izobraževanja kažejo vrzeli, ki bodo vplivale ali pa že vplivajo na znanje naše mladine. Pri tem je treba še posebej poudariti odnos do naravoslovnih predmetov. Ankete, ki smo jih izvedli med študenti predšolske vzgoje in razrednega pouka, kažejo, da se študenti nekaterim vsebinam (praktičnim in teoretičnim), ki so temeljne vsebine naravoslovja, izogibajo in se jih ne naučijo do te mere, da bi jim bili osnovni pojmi povsem jasni. Za aktivno poučevanje pa je treba imeti dobro bazo osnovnega strokovnega znanja, saj se le vzgojitelj oziroma učitelj, ki je strokovno dobro podkovan, lahko hitro odziva na učenčeve potrebe in ga vodi do pravega odgovora na zastavljeno vprašanje oziroma do rešitve problema. S posebnimi primeri bomo pokazali, s kakšnimi problemi se pri delu na fakulteti srečujemo in kako jih poskušamo reševati.


naravoslovje;eksperimentiranje;aktivno učenje;poučevanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UP PEF - Faculty of Education Koper
UDC: 37.011.3:5
COBISS: 1537775044 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4476
Downloads: 759
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: An active learner needs an active teacher
Secondary abstract: The modern instruction requires well educated teachers. If we want students to be as active as possible in the learning process they have to get used to it at an early age. For the instructors at the Faculty of Education it is therefore important how to prepare the students of pre-school and elementary education for their profession. Because only those children who get used to gain the understanding of concepts on their own, under the guidance of their educators and teachers, instead of having answers "served on a plate", will be prepared for the future. However, deficiencies influencing the knowledge of our youth are apparent in the present education system. This is especially notable in the attitude towards sciences. Questionnaires given to students of preschool and elementary education show that students avoid certain contents (practical and theoretical) which are fundamental and that they don't learn them to a degree needed for a clear understanding of basic notions. For an active instruction a solid content knowledge is essential, since only an educator or a teacher with a solid professional knowledge can respond to the needs of a student and guide him/her to a correct answer or to a solution of a question or a problem. We will illustrate on specific examples the types of problems encountered in the classroom and show how we try to address them.
Secondary keywords: science;experiments;active learning;teaching;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: Str. 373-385, 632-633
ID: 9057892